Today i went to my friend's BBQ at Hougang Green Condo.I went there with my friends meeting him at his house and i saw another Friend when walking to my friend house =D.
We reach there and we was waiting for the the BBQ to start while waiting in his house very siang at first =P...Then my friend grew bored and they walk out of the house i taught they was going to walk around.Instead they went to the basement to eat sweet[sweet means smoke]i was watching over there see how they smoke lol i sumpa i never smoke ok i very guai de haha =D.
They smoke le went to play basketball haha i was waiting at the BBQ place and we saw two couple starting the fire OMG they are sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!! [The picture above]One of my friend receive a call and he told us that at the basketball court our friend kena beaten then we all run around the condo to find the basketball court then he shouted it is a prank we all want whack him sia make us round the condo for nothing =.= and the people at the basketball court is still playing =.=...
When we was waiting at the BBQ place a guy started throwing water balloon and we was throwing water balloon around the condo.One of the funniest is a group of guy went into the sauna to hide we knew about this,we all get ready a balloon ,waited outside the sauna door we counted 1,2,3 we open the door and throw at them and the fire place they was so hot and ran out hahaha!!!.I got thrown into the pool and alot other got thrown into the pool =.=!!!! We was walking around throwing people down the pool =P
We was all wet after that and all the guys about 7 to 10 guys went into the sauna take off our shirt and drying it and alot guys pouring bottles of water we was like cookies in the oven ready to be eaten =.=...We scolded by the people there for too noisy after that T.T....
After we get out of the sauna we went to eat and finish eating,we went to the basement and play poker for awhile and i have to get home.I walked home with my friends and i release i forgothen my key nd no body was at home =.=... So i went to find my mother at my grandma house and we went back home together
Your Sincerly !!!