Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
trickster and flag day

Monday, November 19, 2007
bored at holiday,eunhae

i feel so bored lol in the holiday... nothing to do everyday watch tv,play comp and eat -.-.+ my fren force me to help him train his maple acc which i don even have time to train my whole day watching show *sad*!!i just brought a series show to cure my boredness *coffee prince*>.<'''.i watch until bored le -.-'''*yawn*eunhae 0.0 hugging each other when sleeping >.<'''!!!!!
*suju mini drama*.on 15 and 16 dec dong bang shin ki going thailand concert so bad de never come sgp T.T!!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
eeteuk got bully

eeteuk got bully by sungmin,eunhyuk,kangin and ryeowook, they was so bad lol they!! eeteuk back is injured they still bully him...>.<'''
they was at about 2am in thailand in their hotel room and their leader eeteuk going to their room making them go sleep..
he never make them sleep but instead ,he got bully by them...
Friday, November 9, 2007
funny face

today i real lvl 50 cleric doing pq until sian liao but i got hack just now about 30mins ago T.T *cry*now donno why the hacker help me train to lvl 52 le funny hacker hack until naked den help me train 2 lvl...>.<
crying eeteuk

they won the award for best band or something and the band leader eeteuk[mr parkjungsu]happy until cry lol.
sadlol he cry until like pig or someone dieing >.<'''
today i at ludibrum i got kill at gatekeeper my fren sabo me de T.T 76% left 69% ...i almost left 50% i hate ludi make me die d all the times T.T...